
Daring Bakers July – Filbert Praline Gateau

July 30, 2008

July’s Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Mele Cotte, and I was thrilled to see another cake on the agenda! This month our objective was to produce a Filbert (read: hazelnut – my understanding is that a filbert is a particular variety of hazelnut, but normal hazelnuts are pretty equivalent) Gateau, with a praline buttercream. I enlisted Hamish’s help to produce this for his brother’s homecoming (he’s been living overseas for several years, so it was a bit of an event), and we churned it out in the space of about four hours (possible slightly less, although I waited until the following morning to decorate – which didn’t take long anyway).

I used Kahlua in my buttercream instead of the prescribed liqueurs, and cut back quite a bit on quantity – but I’m not a fan of liqueur with cake and it didn’t really do it for me. I followed the recipe to the letter, and was disappointed with a reasonably short cake – next time I would use a smaller tin, to achieve the grandeur of height. After all, with a cake this fussy it’s nice to make an impression!

Another change I would probably make next time round would be to increase the buttercream – I think 1.5 times the amount called for would have been a better balance. I’ve also learnt that praline buttercream isn’t the best for piping with – it seems obvious in retrospect but if I’d reserved some of the buttercream for decoration before I added the praline I would have had to unclog my piping nozzle a lot less frequently (a proper food processor may have solved this problem for me, but I think I would still err on the side of caution).

All in all it was pretty fun to make, and everyone seemed to enjoy it – Hamish thought it was delicious – but
it’s probably not a cake I would make again by choice, because I just didn’t find it that tasty. Great challenge, though! And make sure you check out the other Daring Bakers! 🙂


  1. I agree on if making the cake again, reserve pure buttercream for the decoration. Oh the praline buttercream was so good though. Great job the cake looks beautiful!

  2. Looks great. Thanks for completing the challenge!

  3. Great Challenge, I think so!
    You did a great job! Your cake looks so good!

  4. I love that you used two different colours on your cake – brilliant and it looks awesome

  5. Thanks for all your comments – I definitely enjoyed making it! 🙂

  6. Your cake looks wonderful! Love the two-tone decorations!

  7. Thanks Lauren! 🙂 I gave up on piping with the praline-laden buttercream quite quickly… 😉

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